Hypnotism Methods
James Braid's Original Eye-Fixation Hypnotic Induction Method
In this method, the eyes gaze at an object or a void of space in a 30-degree arc above eye level while holding the head level, relaxed and steady. The eyelids tire and close voluntarily when this method is combined with similar suggestive statements.
Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP)
This is a system of modeling wherein an action or phrase is matched with a secondary autonomic response; this is known as anchoring. For example, entertainer Derren Brown's Subway Amnesia Stunt anchors a moment of forgetfulness from a subject with a wave of his hand.
Pattern Interrupts
This Milton Erickson Technique involves interrupting the normal, expected patterns of behavior that the subject expects to experience. The conscious mind is paused briefly to comprehend the unexpected activity, while the subconscious mind remains open to suggestion.
Handshake and verbal interrupts are examples of this technique. Handshake interrupts encompass unexpected ways in touching, while verbal interrupts encompass unexpected grammatical nuances and noises. Interrupts disrupt our culturally ingrained autonomic responses.
The hypnotist guides the subject's imagination of different timelines within their lives based on their actions and intentions. For example, therapeutic hypnosis guides the subject to imagine alternate scenarios based on whether a bad habit is dropped for good intentions.
Milton Model
The Ericksonian Hypnosis method floods the senses by combining induction techniques including NLP, pattern interrupts and visualization simultaneously to leave the subconscious open to suggestion.
Mind control expert Derren Brown is famous for applying the Milton Model to his subjects.
Famous Ties
After smoking for 16 years, Matt Damon found a way to quit. "I went to a hypnotist out here in L.A... this unbelievable guy," he recalled. "I went three times to this guy. He just kind of talked to me... I never smoked again." The only problem? "If you say 'cleaning woman' I might just get naked and start dancing!" Debra Messing also quit smoking after visiting a hypnotist.