Mood Swing Treatment

Mood swings often produce unpredictable behavior--feeling in high spirits one minute and blue the next. Mood swings are extremely common. Though not as serious as Bipolar or Manic Depression, mood swings can transition into them if the symptoms are persistent and are left untreated. To prevent your mood swings from developing into more serious conditions, consider applying some proven treatment methods.
  1. Non Prescriptive

    • Non prescriptive mood swing treatments generally include vitamins, herbal supplements, fish oils and amino acids. They are commonly used to treat mental illnesses that are serious but not life threatening.

      St. Johns Wort is the most frequently used mood enhancer used to support mood swings. By balancing the brain's fluctuating neurotransmitters, St. Johns Wort helps to control the nervousness and anxiety caused by mood swings. It contains hypericin and hyperforin and positive results can be seen after two to six weeks of consecutive use.

      Valerian root is another natural medicine that is used to treat mood swings. It produces a soothing effect on the central nervous system and helps to relieve the nervousness, sleeping abnormalities and headaches that may result from mood swings. A decrease in mood swings occurs within one to 30 days after using Valerian Root.

      Ginseng is a popular herb that is used to improve cognitive responses related to mental arithmetic, response time and the overall memory. It also is used to treat children who suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). American Ginseng is widely used to improve the body's reaction to stress (which often causes mood swings) and also can help boost your immune system.


    • Behavioral therapy can help control the way you react to the symptoms (fear, depression and anger) of mood swings. Through behavioral therapy you learn how to relax your mind so you can think rationally to improve your judgment and focus. By adjusting your thought process into positive thinking, you produce positive actions as well.

      Cognitive therapy teaches you to analyze all aspects of your life so you can pinpoint the areas that are inducing your negative thoughts and behavior. The concept of cognitive therapy suggests that if you are not willing to change these thoughts and behaviors there will be no positive change in your mood swings.

      Literary therapy offers a broad range of resources so you can educate yourself about your mood swings. This includes books or articles related to mood swings. Check with your local library for these types of books, or research the Internet to gain a greater understanding of your mood swings. Without knowledge of the subject, you can be confused as to why you have mood swings and what you can do about it.


    • It is a good idea to let your physician know that you are experiencing mood swings. Before visiting her, write down all your symptoms and the areas you want to address so you don't forget important details. Based the seriousness of your condition, your physician will recommend the best treatment method for you.

      Consider making changes in your lifestyle as well. Develop an exercise routine and eat balanced meals to lower your stress level. Though it is normal to have ups and downs in your life, if you apply these methods you can at least control the frequency and severity of your mood swings.

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