Christian Alcohol Inpatient Treatment
Inpatients who seek treatment in a Christian based alcohol treatment center learn the spiritual, physical, and psychological effects of excessive and abusive drinking. Workshops, individual therapy, lectures, and group counseling all blend together to help the individual discover that concept.
One of the most basic problems when dealing with alcohol dependency is the fact that the alcohol-addicted person cannot see through the denial and addiction that sustain the cycle of abusive and out-of-control drinking.
Christian alcohol inpatient treatment blends Christianity with standard treatment and recovery processes. Patients will attend counseling sessions, undergo medical practices, and productive behavioral remedies in association with Biblical scripture and teachings.
Christian alcohol detox is the first step in the alcohol treatment process. Patients are admitted into the treatment center. The patient is cleaned of the body's poisonous chemicals and the soul is targeted from the spiritual aspect. Withdrawal symptoms are addressed and treated.
Once the individual is removed from his or her dependance of alcohol, the recovery process takes center stage. The goal is to find a patient who surrenders his or her suffering, pain, and disappointment to God and is given a fresh slate. This thinking is quite familiar to those who where born-again or bapatized.
Christian alcohol treatment stresses the need for alcoholics to become humble and swallow their pride. These first two steps will in return create a stronger and healthier relationship with God.
Most professionals in a Christian alcohol treatment center employ a 12-step approach in their group and personal counseling sessions. The teachings remain around the center concept that God is the Higher Power.
Alcoholics suffer from the effects of alcohol-related employment difficulties, legal problems, poor emotional and physical health, as well as relationship and family issues. Generally the negative effects get progressively worse as the individual continues to drink in abuse and excess.
Christian alcohol rehab encourages patients to look into the bible for answers about the condition. Generally the book of Job, a story about a man who suffered greatly, is a great source of inspiriation. The four major gospels (John, Matthew, Mark, and Luke) are also very popular. Christian based counseling and prayer are also very important processes in the healing phase.
The patient may feel inadequate and may experience deep feelings of shame and guilt that derive from the enemy. Regardless of whether or not the patient is a Christian or recently born again, the important realization the patient must learn is that God is a God of love and forgiveness. The doctors will remind the patient that every man is worthy in God's eyes and that they do not need to feel guilty about their past mistakes or failures.
The ultimate goal is to develop a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ while removing the dependance of alcohol.
Inpatient vs. Outpatient
If the individual is serious about "kicking the habit," then inpatient treatment is highly encouraged. Outpatient treatment is not as intense or comprehensive. While it's better than nothing, patients who really want to get closer to God and remove their dependancy should consider inpatient alcohol treatment. The biggest asset of inpatient treatment is the fact that the patient is forced to remain under tight supervision in an environment where the patient is not pressured by outside forces and is surrounded by individuals aspiring and struggling through the same situation.
Christian Track at Behavioral Health of the Palm Beaches, Inc. (BHOPB), Sober Recovery, and Spencer Recovery are all faith-based treatment and recovery centers that are very popular with a high ranking on Google. Grace Track for Christians is another highly respected and well known clinic. While most of these treatment centers will offer some different features or specific target areas, the majority of them provide nearly equal treatment. Factors for choosing one center over another may be due to a specific doctor or counselor who works at the treatment center or based on location. It's always recommended to do some additional research on a place and visit the center before making your decision on enrollment. Prices can vary.