What Is Outplacement Counseling?
When it is Used
Outpatient counseling may be provided for patients after they leave a treatment facility, such as for drug or alcohol rehabilitation, and serves to aid in the transition back to a normal lifestyle. It can also be available for patients who suffer from a lesser form of mental illness, such as mild depression, who are still able to function in society and don't require resident treatment.
Who Administers it
Depending on the patient's particular situation, outpatient treatment can be administered by a variety of mental health and other health care professionals. Psychiatrists, psychologists and clinical social workers are available to treat a range of issues. Substance abuse counselors treat those recovering from drug and alcohol addiction, child psychiatrists and psychologists deal with problems of children and adolescents, and geropsychiatrists deal with mental issues involving the elderly.
Getting Started
Initially, the patient meets with the mental health professional, who assesses the condition if it hasn't been previously diagnosed. He may be asked a series of questions about the condition, and may also fill out a questionnaire to obtain further information. The mental health professional then determines the proper course of action.
Once the initial diagnosis and course of treatment is determined, the patient likely meets with the counselor regularly to monitor progress. This usually involves talk therapy, in which the issues are discussed in great detail in an attempt for resolution. If the patient is working with a psychiatrist and medication has been described, he's monitored to establish the effectiveness of the medication and possible side effects.
Time Frame
There's usually no set time frame for the duration of the treatment process; this depends on how effective it is. A typical session with a counselor may last for an hour. and the frequency depends on the magnitude of the condition. Treatment could continue for several months or longer if needed.