How to Review Psychological Tests
Things You'll Need
- Electronic finding aids Print finding aids Finding journal articles Background sources
The Process
Use electronic finding aids to test acronym, test publisher, test score, test purpose and test author. This system helps to track each category with the purpose of checking current skills of individuals. Use this system to search common words for acronym review such as hope, happy, intelligent or smart on the search field box.
Consider using print finding aids to find the online database achievement tests that are effective in measuring a person's behavior and skills. Hard copies are also available for purchase. This includes Mental Measurements Yearbook that includes scoring information, author, title and references.
Use the category of mental health and psychiatry to measure individual's mental performance, alertness and memory. There are 80 rating scales to check for possible mental illnesses.
Utilize social, cultural and educational categories to separate stereotypes and gender roles. People have different personalities and reactions. This will review and test their abilities on how they can adapt to different communities with different cultures and educational backgrounds.
Use children, families and adults field to check if a person is affected by problems arising between parents and children. These are reviewed by looking at previous family issues, especially for adults who are lacking their parent's care and attention.
Use finding journal articles category to find specific topics related to health, English and psychology. This is like searching for your preferred topics.
Consider background sources that give overall quality assessments of all tests taken. This aids to evaluate test results, and it has 200 articles about assessment devices.
Use the category for additional information to find relevant links on how you can implement fair testing practices and responsibilities.