The Effects of Lithium Carbonate
In 1817, lithium was discovered by a Swedish student named Johan Arvedson. Lithium water gained popularity in the 1800s as an effective treatment to dissolve bladder and kidney stones. By the late 1800s, it began to be used as a treatment for alcoholism and compulsive behavior. Australian psychiatrist John F. Cade discovered the psychotropic effects of lithium in 1948. Today, lithium carbonate is still prescribed as a treatment for bipolar disorder, most notably in the form of Eskalith.
Lithium regulates behavior by restoring the balances of neurotransmitters released in the body. According to a 2005 Science Daily article, it effects the transport of sodium in neural message transmission, altering the intraneural metabolism of the hormones ephinephrine, norepinephrine and dopamine. Lithium carbonate may also effect the production of glutamate, which in turn affects hormone levels.
Lithium carbonate is well known as a treatment for bipolar disorder. Its ability to affect the production of dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine in the body allows it to stabilize moods. According to, lithium carbonate is most successful in its ability to reduce manic episodes, including exaggerated feelings of well-being, paranoia, aggressiveness and irritability. According to a 2008 article in The Medical News, lithium carbonate might be able to reduce the progression of ALS. A 1990 article from Biological Psychiatry also found lithium carbonate to prevent the recurrence of herpes simplex infections.
Lithium carbonate must be obtained with a prescription. Follow all physician orders before taking lithium carbonate or Eskalith. Lithium carbonate is most often available in capsule form, and should be swallowed whole immediately after meals. According to, those using lithium products should drink 10 to 12 cups of water per day. Because lithium affects sodium levels, consult your doctor on what your proper sodium intake should be during treatment. Take the entire prescription, even if symptoms have stopped.
Side-effects of lithium carbonate treatments might include weight gain, spasms, nausea and excessive urination, according to Stonger side-effects might include damage to the thyroid and kidneys, muscle weakness and diarrhea. Lithium use might impair judgment and response time. Lithium carbonate might contribute to dehydration. Consult with your doctor if you are taking other medications or have pre-existing health conditions, including pregnancy. According to, symptoms of overdose include slurred speech, increased thirst, low blood pressure, seizures or coma. If an overdose has occurred, patient should immediately contact poison control or get to an emergency room.