How to Detox From Effexor
Tell your doctor you wish to go off of the Effexor. He can set up a schedule based on the dosage you currently use and any other medications you may be taking.
Reduce the dosage gradually. Effexor is usually taken two to three times a day along with food. Your doctor will most likely want to continue that pace, but with lower dosage each time. Experts suggest reducing the dosage by 37.5 mg, continuing for a week on that level, dropping it another 37.5 mg, continuing for another week, and so on. The maximum recommended daily dosage is 375 mg, which means it will take 2.5 months to wean off of it. It may seem like a long time, but a slow, steady pace maintains stability. Your doctor can decide an appropriate reduction level for you.
Carefully monitor your symptoms as you reduce the amount of Effexor you take. Symptoms vary, but can include nausea, dizziness, light-headedness and the shakes. If you're being treated for an emotional condition, you may find your depression increasing during this period as well. Hopefully, the symptoms will be mild enough to endure until you are clear of the Effexor. Stay in regular contact with your doctor and report any developments to him.
Ask your doctor about taking another form of medication. Normally, doctors dislike mixing medications--and you should never take another drug without getting clearance from your doctor first. But in some cases, stopping the lowest possible dosage of Effexor can be aided with a mild dosage of Prozac or similar type of antidepressant. Once you're off the Effexor and the symptoms no longer bother you, you can go off the Prozac.
Continue other forms of treatment, such as counseling and therapy, while you detox from Effexor. Antidepressants are never intended as a magic bullet, but rather as a means of controlling symptoms while you work on the root cause of your condition. You can complete your therapy once the drug is out of your system.