History of Psychiatric Hospitals
Bethlem Royal Hospital
London's first psychiatric hospital, Bethlem Royal Hospital, was founded in 1547. It was notorious for its brutal treatments which continued into the 1800s.
Madhouse Act of 1828
The Madhouse Act of 1828 passed Parliament and the 1st Middlesex County Asylum opened in 1831, followed by a decree which ordered an asylum built in every UK county.
BrattleBoro Retreat
In the United States (Vermont), Anna Marsh founded the BrattleBoro Retreat in 1834. It was ahead of its time. It offered dignified, empowering treatments for mental health patients.
Institution Reform
In 1908, mental patient Clifford Beers wrote a book titled, "A Mind That Found Itself." In it, he called for institution reform based on his degrading experiences in a Connecticut hospital.
Barbaric Treatments
During the early 1900s, psychiatric hospitals began using barbaric treatments such as electro-convulsive (shock) therapy, surgical lobotomies and insulin-induced comas to treat mental illnesses.
National Mental Health Act
With the passing of US President Harry Truman's 1946 National Mental Health Act and emerging drug treatments of 1950s, psychiatric hospitals took a positive turn that continues through today.