Bupropion SR Side Effects
Bupropion was originally invented in 1969 and called amphebutamone. It was released as an antidepressant in 1974. However, it was responsible for causing many seizures, so it was withdrawn from the market in 1986. Bupropion was introduced in a lower dosage, sustained-release form in 1989. This slow-release action helped to eliminate the side effect of seizures. In 1997, bupropion SR was approved to help people quit smoking. Off label uses are for sexual dysfunction, obesity and for ADD (attention deficit disorder).
Serious side effects of bupropion SR include seizures, visual hallucinations, audio hallucinations (such as hearing voices), palpatations, panic attacks, hives, sudden aggressive or risky behavior, severe mood swings and suicidal thoughts. You need to contact your doctor immediately if these happen.
Common side effects include decreased sex drive, dry mouth, insomnia, nausea, agitation, headaches, dizziness, shakiness, a sore throat, sudden weight loss, constipation or diarrhea (not both), sweating, abdominal pain, muscle pain, joint pain, nightmares, runny nose and troubles concentrating or feeling "out of it."
Do not suddenly stop taking bupropion SR because of painful withdrawal effects, including migraines and seizures. The only safe way to get off of bupropion SR is to gradually taper off, taking smaller and smaller doses. This should always be done under a physician's supervision.
Expert Insight
Antidepressants as a whole usually decrease a person's libido. However, this doesn't happen to many people on bupropion SR. Their sex drive may decrease, but not as much as with other antidepressants. A 2001 study from the University of Virginia notes that 40% of users of many antidepressants like Prozac had decreased libido. Only 22% of the Wellbutrin users did. ("Sexual Dysfunction Results From Most Antidepressant Drugs", Dr. Anita H. Clayton, 2001).
Some side effects have been reported happening to very few (less than 5%) people taking bupropion SR. These side effects include bladder infections, anemia, canker sores, loss of appetite, food tasting differently, the skin becoming sensitive to sunlight, coughing, lowering of blood pressure, lowering or raising blood sugar, skin flushing and leg cramps. Some people take bupropion SR and do not experience any side effects.