How to Benefit from Pet Therapy
Realize that the type of pet doesn't matter. If you enjoy the company of a dog or cat, either one will work fine, but fish in a tank or a turtle in a box will also suffice for pet therapy. The important thing is that you take enjoyment from the pet you choose.
Pay attention to your stress levels. A pet that requires significant daily care or frequent trips to the veterinarian might not be compatible for you if getting out of the house is difficult. The point of pet therapy is to decrease your stress levels, so choose a pet whose presence in your life will provide more benefit than work.
Consider pet adoption. Often, people who suffer from physical or psychological ailments will take comfort from rescuing an animal who has been mistreated or whose life might be in danger. Adoption organizations like the SPCA are great places to find a pet, and mixed-breed animals are often healthier than their pure-bred counterparts.
Develop a relationship. When you bring your animal home, begin pet therapy by getting to know him or her. You'll notice that animals have distinct personalities--except, perhaps, in the case of fish--and you'll benefit more if you treat your pet like a new friend rather than a subhuman creature.
Solicit help from friends or family. If you think that you might struggle with the day-to-day care of an animal, ask a friend or family member to check in once a day or to run errands when you aren't able. For example, a neighbor might be willing to pick up dog food when he goes to the grocery store on Wednesdays so you don't have to worry about it.
Discuss pet therapy with a psychiatrist or psychologist. If you are suffering from a mental health condition, your therapist will be more than happy to talk with you about how to benefit most from pet therapy. She might be able to show you techniques that will help to build your relationship, and may even introduce exercises that can further your therapeutic benefit.
Spend time with your pet every day. Scientific research shows that when you spend half an hour petting a dog or watching fish move around in their tank, blood pressure and stress levels seem to decrease radically. Devote a certain time period during your day to grooming, petting or watching your pet.
Consider an assistance dog. Canines who are specifically trained to help their owners get through life are an enormous benefit in the home. They are trained to handle numerous commands and they are among the most well-behaved animals in the world. If your condition requires assistance on a daily basis, this might be the best pet therapy for you.