How to Sharpen the Mind's Memory
Get plenty of rest on a regular basis. Studies written about in various magazines and journals have found that getting a full night's rest can help increase the brain's memory capacity. Tests reveal that certain regions of the brain undergo major shifts in activity while a person is asleep, and it's believed the brain's memory becomes more efficient during this time.
Exercise regularly. National Institutes of Health studies have shown that a fit body can mean a sharp mind. Engaging in a moderate form of exercise, such as walking, on a regular basis can expand an area of the mind involved in formulating memories, particularly in older adults. Staying physically fit can help stave off the effects of memory loss and basic forgetfulness, as well as the onset of dementia.
Use forms of mental exercise to stay sharp. Completing crossword and jigsaw puzzles, reading newspapers and magazines, and playing games like Sudoku and poker, which require use of numerical skills, can be helpful. They can keep the mind active; train and sharpen the memory; and keep the mind functioning in an efficient manner. Mental exercises have been also found to slow rapid aging of the brain.
Eat healthier. Foods that are rich in Omega-3 acids, like fish and olive oil, and those that are plentiful in antioxidants, like fresh fruit and vegetables, can aid the brain's productivity and strengthen memory. Studies by the Mayo Clinic and other health organizations show that skinless chicken and lean meat can also help sustain or increase good mental and physical health.