How to Handle Schizoid Behavior
Suggest one-on-one therapy. This is the main treatment option encouraged for personality disorders like schizoid behavior. It can be difficult because the person afflicted with schizoid behavior finds it so difficult to establish a relationship of mutual trust with the therapist. Short-term treatment works best in order to help the person deal with his immediate crisis.
Encourage group therapy sessions. This is a good alternative to one-on-one therapy sessions once they have ended. A social network within a self-help support group can really help a person displaying schizoid behavior.
Take great care when choosing a group setting to handle schizoid behavior. The group should be supportive in order to help a person struggling with schizoid behavior to overcome her feelings of isolation. The right group setting can eventually encourage participation, and help these individuals really develop their coping skills.
Don't push an individual struggling with schizoid behavior into individual or group therapy. It is better if he chooses to do so on his own terms. He will most likely sit back and just listen and observe during several sessions.
Be patient in dealing with schizoid behavior. It will take time before a person with this disorder feels like participating in individual or group therapy sessions. It may take her time to understand that she exhibits schizoid behavior and may need encouragement about how much richer and more fulfilling her life will be with therapy.