How to Use Cognitive Therapy for Compulsions
Determine the nature of the compulsion. Rate the compulsion on a scale from 1 to 10 for how much it interferes with your life; then rate the compulsion 1 to 10 for duration or frequency.
Assess whether the compulsion is something you will be able to stop by yourself by checking the severity. Ask relatives, friends and family if they are aware of it. Ascertain whether a mental health professional needs to intervene to help manage the compulsive behavior and give directed help or possibly medication.
Write down assumptions about what will happen if you do not observe your compulsion. Rate how seriously or how distressing the result of not completing the compulsion will be.
Make a list of possible objections or challenges to this belief about the compulsion. Postulate realistic consequences for not engaging in the compulsion or the result of the anxiety on your physicality for not engaging in the compulsion.
Keep a compulsion and obsession journal. Write down every time you feel the need to do the compulsion. Even if you are still engaging in the compulsion, write down before you want to do it and the corresponding thought that triggered it. This journal writing requires mindfulness to your thoughts and emotions, which is the cognitive approach.
Share these thought journals with your therapist or a loved one. Discuss how these thoughts dictate your compulsive behavior, since it's important to share with a trusted other. Brainstorm alternative ways to alleviate the anxiety of not participating in the compulsion.
Slowly integrate the alternative dealing method; this method could be exercise, meditation, writing or painting. Develop awareness about completing the compulsion and learn to deal with the anxiety in order to see that the compulsion is not necessary for survival.