How to Use Person Centered Therapy for Mental Health
Research the therapeutic method coined by Carl Rogers. Know that this therapeutic model came in response to the Freudian method that emphasized the counselor's role in the therapeutic process.
Know that Rogers did not emphasize the role of the therapist or the therapist's expertise. Rogers emphasized three different factors: congruence, unconditional positive regard and empathy. Use these three methods, after researching their application in regard to this theory, in the therapeutic process. According to Rogers, the client is free to express themselves.
Use this theory for work with issues like personality disorders, schizophrenia, alcohol disorders, anxiety and some cognitive distortions. Be aware of its limits with poorly developed verbal communication skills.
Emphasize personal growth and the self discovery of the individual. Avoid too much interaction with the psychological discovery process. Expect results to include: making decisions, learning from mistakes, identifying emotional triggers, increasing in positive relationships with others, and decreasing guilt and defensiveness.
Treat the client with the utmost respect and regard. Frequently check with the client to make sure you are understanding what he is saying. Refrain from "doing" anything with the client or guiding too much. The point is for the client to learn to analyze his own mental condition and emotional states.