How To Avoid a Quarter-Life Crisis
Devise a plan. Many people thrive with a sense or order in life. When a person lacks that, he may feel a little out of control and confused. Come up with a general plan of what you want in life. Think about what type of career you would enjoy and pursue it, whether you need to go back to school or apply for a new job. Don't sweat it if you change your mind. Your plans don't have to be too strict and your 20s are a time of growth and discovery.
Live in the "now." Although it may be difficult, stop fixating nonstop on tomorrow and start focusing instead on what you can do today to improve yourself and enjoy life at the same time. If you spend all of your time worrying about your future, all it will do is lead to nervousness, panic and missed opportunities during the present. Realize that only today is within your control.
Find out who you are. Seize the day and use your quarter-life point as an opportunity to make key discoveries about yourself. Go backpacking around South America with a few of your closest friends. Start an eclectic rock band and go on tour around the country. Write your first existential novel. Take the time for some relaxation and gain confidence, both of which are tools that will enable you to know exactly what you want to pursue out of life in the future.
Better yourself. Instead of pacing back and forth racked with anxiety over your life and place in the universe, figure out what you can do to improve yourself. Pursue a master's degree in a field that makes you feel passionate. Start running marathons and working on your health. Begin learning a new skill or language. Work on carving out a spot for yourself on this giant, majestic planet.
Accept your mistakes. In life, you can never achieve success unless you are willing to sometimes fall flat on your face and fail. Instead of viewing failure as the end of something, think of it as a learning process that will only make you stronger for the future. Think clearly. Remember, a mistake you make at 25 will probably be something that will make you laugh heartily in another 25 years or so.
Establish realistic and reasonable goals. Life is overwhelming. If you define success rigidly, it can be intimidating and seem almost impossible. Instead of telling yourself that you will become a published author in one year, establish a goal you know you can achieve. Instead of requiring that you be published, tell yourself you will simply complete your first full-length novel in a year. Try to get published the next year. Divide up your tasks over time so they don't feel like a burden to you.