How to Stop Feeling Panicky

Feeling panicky comes from a strong sense of fear. Whether the source of fear is rational or not is of no consequence. Panic can cause mental anguish and physical symptoms. Panic attacks were once written off as a bad case of nerves or stress, according to the Mayo Clinic, but they are now viewed as a valid medical condition. A feel of panic can cause a fast heartbeat, breathing difficulty and chest pain, among many other symptoms. Severe repeated panic attacks may require professional help, but there are steps you can take at home to stop feeling panicky.

Things You'll Need

  • Guided meditation or deep breathing CDs
  • Inositol supplement
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    • 1
      Yoga and meditation help you breathe deeply and calm your mind.

      Use relaxation techniques to help calm your breathing and heart rate and reduce feelings of stress. Deep breathing exercises, as well as visualization and yoga, can help. Utilize a meditation or deep breathing exercise CD to guide you through the process of relaxing and managing stress.

    • 2
      Record thoughts and assign a time to think about them.

      Write down your thoughts when you feel panicky to release them from your mind. Set aside a specific time slot to read what you've written down and worry about it then. Doing this helps you take control of worry and anxiety, rather than having it control you.

    • 3

      Take inositol, a nutritional supplement, to help calm you and reduce the length, severity and frequency of panic attacks. Check with your doctor to make sure inositol is a good choice for you.

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