How to Ignore Social Fear
Get support. It is all too common for people with excessive social fears to stay quiet about their problems. Keeping your anxieties bottled up inside is no way to live life. Confide in people that you love and trust. If you wish to talk to people that go through similar experiences, seek out a support group in your area. At a support group, you will be able to hear suggestions from people that are experiencing similar feelings to you.
Get sufficient sleep. Although many people might not be aware of the association, lack of sleep can greatly exacerbate signs of social fears and anxieties, including panic attack episodes while out in public. Regulate your sleeping schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time on a daily basis.
Take things slowly. To eliminate social anxieties from your life, try to slowly ignore your fears by putting yourself in public situations. This doesn't mean that you have to stand in the center of a shopping mall with a megaphone, but perhaps you can walking around for a bit. Start gradually. Stand by the door. Walk around the outskirts of the mall. Do whatever it takes to make the possibility of ignoring the panicking voices in your head a reality. As you feel your confidence increasing, try to increase your social "tolerance."
Try relaxing and breathing techniques. Concentrating on your relaxing and breathing can help stop physical discomfort that often arises from social fears, such as hyperventilation. To overcome how physically unpleasant your anxieties are making you feel, engage in relaxing and breathing exercises that are centered around breathing control and reducing bodily tension. Deep breathing exercises can be beneficial for decreasing panic attack occurrences, and also for controlling how extreme the episodes can get.
Stay away from stimulants. If you want to ignore social fear, one way in which to do so is by abstaining from consuming a lot of stimulants, such as caffeine -- which is found in sweet sodas, chocolate, tea and coffee. Caffeine can rev up the central nervous system and as a result, increase feelings of panic and discomfort, including in social settings. Drinking too much caffeine can also throw off your sleeping schedule, causing you to experience sleep deprivation -- another culprit behind social fears. Eating sugar in excess can also lead to feelings of fear and panic.
Work out. Regular exercise can raise your levels of serotonin. Serotonin is an endorphin that is related to nerve impulse transmission. The hormone is associated with feelings of positivity and joy, and can also manage sleep problems. Go to the gym three to five days a week and work out on the elliptical trainer, stationery bicycle or treadmill. Jog around the park several mornings a week. Do what it takes to get that necessary physical activity.