How to Overcome or Move Beyond Fear
Keep a positive attitude. Stop living your life expecting the worst and obsessing over what might or might not happen. Stop picturing the worst case scenario. Instead try to envision a successful and happy outcome. Remember that if you live your life paralyzed by fear, you prevent yourself from growing and succeeding.
Stay busy. Keep your mind occupied with productivity instead of anxiety and worry. The more time you have on your hands, the more you will be able to spend being nervous and fearful. Focus on doing what it takes to improve yourself in life as opposed to worrying about what bad things life may or may not throw at you.
Confront your fears. If you live your life ignoring and suppressing all of your fears, they will always seem intimidating and insurmountable to you. Face what scares you -- whether it's speaking publicly, singing on a stage, riding a roller coaster or swimming in the ocean. The more real your fears seem to you, the less likely they will be to haunt you.
Learn about the root of your fear. To overcome what scares you, it is important to discover what exactly is causing it. In many cases it is a traumatic incident that happened during childhood. Whether it was fear of water during a day trip to the beach or a nerve-wracking presentation during a language arts class, fear is a natural result of insecurity. The more aware we are of this, the better we can approach it in order to conquer it.
Get professional counseling. Sometimes fear is so strong that the best way to get over it is by seeking outside help. It can be greatly beneficial to get fears off of your chest by getting them out into the open rather than keeping them bottled up inside of you. Admitting that you have a fear can be the first step in overcoming it. Talking about things can make them seem smaller and less significant. The influence of another person might also be helpful in opening you up to realize how irrational and silly your fear is.