Signs & Symptoms of Panic Anxiety Disorder
The exact cause of the signs and symptoms that signify panic disorder is not completely understood, reports the Mayo Clinic. Doctors believe the symptoms are caused by your body's natural fight or flight instincts that protect you from danger; however, why these symptoms occur without the threat of a real danger is unknown.
Types of Symptoms
Symptoms of panic disorder include rapid heart rate, trembling, sweating, shortness of breath, hyperventilation, chills, hot flashes, nausea, abdominal cramping, chest pain, headache, dizziness, faintness, tightness in your throat, trouble swallowing and a feeling of impending death.
Time Frame
The symptoms of panic disorder come on suddenly and are referred to as panic attacks. Usually, the symptoms last a few minutes, but have the potential to last up to an hour, explains the National Mental Health Information Center.
Usually, panic attacks have no particular cause, and may even wake you up while you sleep. Because the symptoms of panic attacks often resemble those of other illnesses, like heart attacks, many patients seek emergency medical attention when the attacks first develop.
Clinical Definition
You are considered to have a panic disorder if you experience more than four attacks within four weeks, followed by a month where you are afraid of a return of the attacks, reports the National Mental Health Information Center.