How to Stop Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Panic attacks are episodes of intense fear and panic that seem to come from out of no where. Millions of Americans suffer from Panic disorder and panic attacks. As the world becomes a more stressful environment, it seems panic attacks seem to be more common for all individuals. Every person handles the attacks different and some don't know how to handle these panic attacks at all.


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      RECOGNIZE THE SIGNS. The first step in stopping and reducing panic attacks is to really recognize the signs of when an anxiety attack is taking place. You can feel anything from rapid heart rate, sweating, shaking and trembling, hyperventilation, chills, nausea, chest pain and many other symptoms.

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      FIND OUT WHAT YOUR TRIGGERS ARE. A lot of times, panic attacks can be random or they can be caused by events known as triggers. Some people can have panic attacks from large crowds, arguments and confrontation, and other events that are stressful. You should start to notice when and where you seem to have panic attacks and what sets them off. This can help you learn to avoid having one.

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      TRY ALTERNATIVE REMEDIES. Yes, you can get prescribed medication - but you should try every possible effort to avoid using medication for panic attacks. The medication is much like crutch. You need to learn how to control them and help relieve them. There are many alternative remedies you can try when you are in the middle of HAVING a panic attack.

      * Keep a plain rubber ban on your arm at all times. When you feel panic coming on - pop the ban on your wrist. It will help "slap" you back into reality and be aware of your breathing.
      * When you feel a panic attack coming on - grab ice cubes in both hands to kind of shock yourself back to relaxing.
      * Try breathing through one side of your nose and then the other. It helps regulate breathing.
      * Grab a paper bag and breath into it when you feel panic.

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      PREVENTION. Try to prevent and reduce panic attacks by exercising regularly - every day or at least 3 times a week. Especially when you feel overwhelmed. Exercise releases endorphins that brings euphoric feelings and will ultimately lessen the everyday tension.

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      SEE A DOCTOR. If you have tried every method and still cannot control your panic attacks, you should speak with a doctor about other methods and medications that may suite you better.

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