Severe Panic Disorder
According to the National Anxiety Foundation, the main symptom of a panic disorder is the presence of severe and sudden panic attacks. A panic attack can last anywhere between a few minutes and a few hours. Panic attacks can include any of the following symptoms: difficulty breathing, pounding heartbeat, chest pain, numbness in the skin, choking sensation, sweating, shaking, and nausea.
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While some individuals simply learn to cope appropriately with their panic disorder, people who experience frequent attacks often develop other serious problems. For example, some individuals abuse alcohol in an attempt to self medicate. Other individuals develop agoraphobia (an intense fear of being in social settings).
It is not clear what causes severe panic disorder. However, the National Alliance on Mental Illness notes that some research points to a genetic component. Other research suggests that severe panic disorders are the result of a defect in a persons autonomic nervous system (i.e. a sudden chemical imbalance or hypersensitivity).
Certain medications have proven useful in treating severe panic disorders. According to the National Anxiety Foundation, the FDA has recognized several antidepressants, as beneficial in treating the disorder. These include Paxil, Paxil CR, and Zoloft.
According to staff at the Mayo Clinic, panic attack symptoms often resemble the symptoms of other serious conditions, such as heart attacks. Moreover, panic attacks can get worse if left untreated. Thus, it is important to seek medical help if you are experiencing symptoms of a panic disorder.