What are some of the warning signs that a man is obsessive and possessive early in relationship?
* He is overly attentive and seems to always want to be with you. This may be flattering at first, but it can quickly become overwhelming. He may constantly call or text you, show up at your house unannounced, or even try to control your social life.
* He is jealous and suspicious of your other relationships. He may not like you spending time with your friends or family, and he may even accuse you of cheating. This is a sign that he is insecure and does not trust you.
* He tries to control what you do and how you feel. He may tell you what to wear, how to act, or even what to think. This is a sign that he is trying to control you and that he does not respect your autonomy.
* He becomes angry or upset if you don't meet his expectations. This could be anything from not answering his calls or texts immediately to not spending enough time with him. This is a sign that he is unable to manage his emotions and that he expects you to cater to his needs.
If you notice any of these warning signs, it is important to talk to your partner about your concerns. If he is willing to listen and work on changing his behavior, then the relationship may be able to work. However, if he is unwilling or unable to change, then you may need to consider ending the relationship.