How do you stop dry retching or panic attacks?
* Take deep breaths. When you're feeling nauseous, your body goes into "fight or flight" mode and your breathing becomes shallow and rapid. This can make you feel even more nauseous. Taking deep, slow breaths can help to calm your body and reduce nausea.
* Drink cold liquids. Cold liquids can help to soothe the stomach and reduce nausea. Try sipping on a glass of water, ice water, or ginger ale.
* Eat small, frequent meals. Eating small meals more frequently can help to keep your stomach from getting too empty, which can trigger nausea.
* Avoid greasy, spicy, or acidic foods. These foods can irritate the stomach and make nausea worse.
* Get some fresh air. Sometimes, getting some fresh air can help to clear your head and reduce nausea. Try taking a walk outside or sitting by an open window.
* Lie down. If you're feeling really nauseous, try lying down in a dark, quiet room. This can help to reduce stimulation and make you feel more relaxed.
Additional tips:
- Try acupressure: Use your fingers to apply pressure to certain points on your body;
these pressure points can help reduce dry heaving.
- Get enough rest: Being tired can make you feel more nauseous, so make sure to get;
plenty of sleep.
- Avoid alcohol and caffeine: These substances can worsen dry retching.
How to Stop Panic Attacks
* Take slow, deep breaths.
* Focus on something relaxing.
* Try progressive muscle relaxation.
* Visualize a safe place.
* Talk to a therapist.
Additional tips:
- Keep a journal of your panic attacks to identify your triggers.
- Avoid triggers that you know can lead to panic attacks.
- Practice meditation and relaxation techniques.