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What are secret phobias?
Here is a list of some secret phobias:
- Athazagoraphobia: Fear of being forgotten or ignored.
- Chromophobia: Fear of specific colors.
- Eisoptrophobia: Fear of mirrors or seeing one's own reflection.
- Epistolophobia: Fear of receiving mail or letters.
- Geniophobia: Fear of chins or beards.
- Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia: Fear of the number 666.
- Kakorrhaphiophobia: Fear of failure or defeat.
- Logizomechanophobia: Fear of computers or robots.
- Omphalophobia: Fear of belly buttons.
- Phonophobia: Fear of loud noises.
- Scoptophobia: Fear of being seen or watched.
- Selenophobia: Fear of the moon.
- Vestiphobia: Fear of clothing.
- Zemmiphobia: Fear of moles or shrews.