What to do in the event of an electric shock?
1. Safety First:
- Make sure the power source is disconnected or switched off to eliminate the electrical hazard. This might involve unplugging the device, turning off the circuit breaker, or pulling the main power plug.
2. Do Not Touch:
- Avoid touching the affected person with your bare hands, as you might also get an electric shock.
3. Call for Help:
- If the shock is severe or the person is unconscious, immediately call emergency services or dial for professional medical assistance.
4. Check Responsiveness:
- Gently shake the person and check if they are responsive. If they do not respond or do not appear to be breathing, begin CPR if you are trained to do so.
5. Clear Airways:
- If the person is conscious, help clear their airways to ensure proper breathing.
6. Monitor Breathing:
- Continue to monitor their breathing and pulse until professional medical help arrives.
7. Treat Any Burns:
- If there are any visible burns from the electric shock, cover them with a clean, sterile dressing or cloth to prevent infection.
8. Stay Calm:
- Keep yourself composed and try to remain calm. Panicking can hinder your ability to provide effective assistance.
9. Prevent Movement:
- Encourage the person to remain still to minimize further injury as muscle spasms and jerking movements can worsen the situation.
10. Do Not Delay Treatment:
- Even if the person seems to have recovered, it is essential to seek medical attention promptly. Some electric shocks can cause internal injuries that may not be immediately apparent.
11. Keep Them Warm:
- Cover the person with a blanket or jacket to help maintain their body temperature.
12. Inform Medical Personnel:
- If you arrive at a hospital or medical facility, inform the staff of the electric shock incident.
Remember, prioritizing your own safety is crucial before attempting to help someone experiencing an electric shock. Stay alert, and let trained professionals handle the situation if you are uncertain or encounter a high-voltage shock.