Panic Disorder Cures
Counseling and Behavioral Modification
A number of counseling techniques can be used to treat panic disorder. Psychological counseling often focuses on behavior modification, and often takes longer than using medication and psychiatric techniques. An advantage of counseling and-behavior modification is that the effects are long-lasting and do not require long term medication. As such, it doesn't require treating the side effects of many common psychiatric medications.
Two general types of counseling therapy are available. The first is behavioral therapy. Behavioral therapy focuses learning behaviors to counteract the panic attack. These behaviors can include deep breathing exercises and relaxation techniques to counteract the feelings of panic. The second form of counseling therapy is cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). It explores underlying psychological causes of panic disorders and seeks to treat those causes.
Psyciatric Care
In more severe cases or in cases that don't respond to counseling therapy, psyciatric care is an option. Psychiatric care may include aspects of psychological counseling, including behavioral therapy and CBT. However, psychiatrists are medical doctors and can prescribe medication. Xanax is a common drug prescribed for panic disorder, although in some cases anti-depressants and other psychiatric drugs may be used.
Natural & Hyphotheraphy Cures
In some cases, hypnotherapy is effective in treating panic disorders. Other natural substances have been shown to reduce panic attacks and help with panic disorders. Some natural health practitioners recommend large doses of vitamin C, somewhere between 2,000 Mg and 4,000 Mg. Sometimes 800 I.U. of vitamin E can reduce symptoms of panic disorder. Other nutrients whose absence has been linked to panic disorder include vitamin B, pantothenic acid and magnesium. In some cases, natural health practitioners have recommended adrenal gland extracts.
When to Seek Professional Help
Panic disorders can cause severe life problems. If your panic disorder is interfering with day-to-day activities and making life more difficult, seek professional care. If panic disorders lead you to be afraid of being a danger to yourself or other, seek professional care. In general, if your panic disorder becomes bigger than you can deal with on your own, there are a number of resources available to help. Those resources can start with your family doctor or any number of public health services.