Ways to Stop Anxiety Attacks
One common way to stop anxiety attacks is with the use of prescriptions for anti-anxiety medication. You can obtain a prescription from a family doctor or a psychiatrist, depending on the severity of the attacks. It is important to use other methods to stop anxiety attacks along with medication, instead of relying on prescriptions as the only option. Combining prescriptions with other techniques will often help to stop anxiety attacks.
Breathing Technique
When you start to feel anxious or nervous about something, begin breathing slower. Inhale deeply. Count to five in your head. Exhale slowly. Repeat several times. The slower, deeper breathing will help you mind and body to relax. Relaxation can often prevent an attack or lessen its severity. Spend time practicing relaxation breathing to make it easier to do when it comes time to stop anxiety attacks.
Support Group
The subject of mental illness and anxiety attacks is often viewed as taboo in our society. Someone suffering from panic attacks can feel isolated, shunned and alone. Joining a support group is a method to connect with others that have been through panic attacks and know what you're experiencing. It offers a chance to bond with others and even learn more ways to stop anxiety attacks.
Exposure Therapy
Exposure therapy is done with through a licensed therapist that has training in behavior modification. The goal of exposure therapy is to face the situations that make us nervous and trigger panic attacks. By getting through the experience, we learn we are safe and our bodies will stop panicking when later in similar situations. Exposure therapy, done gradually and with positive reinforcement, is an excellent method to stop anxiety attacks.
Stress Reduction
One of the triggers for anxiety attacks can be stress. As your stress level increases, you're more susceptible to an attack. Learning stress reduction techniques for your life in general can help to stop anxiety attacks. Practice yoga, meditation, time management and even organization to help reduce the chances of an attack. You'll not only help stop anxiety attacks but feel better about life in general.