How to Deal With a Fear Of Thunder
Learn as much as you can about thunder and its cause. Find articles online or books in the library that go into detail about this natural phenomenon. With greater knowledge of thunder, you will begin to recognize it for what it is and begin fearing it less. Basically, thunder is caused by warm air meeting cool water in the clouds.The difference in the temperature of the two will determine the severity of the storm.
Understand that your fear was triggered by some event in your past. Some people experienced actually being hit by lightening, while others may have seen a devastating fire started by this force of nature. Find the traumatic event that affected your view toward thunder and lightening, and you've half-way cured your problem.
Undergo hyphotherapy sessions. At these sessions, you will be hypnotized and the doctor will cause you to set aside your fear of thunder. Learn more about this technique before doing it because some people dislike the loss of control that is caused by hypnosis, and they cannot be hypnotized.
Try so-called “energy psychology,” an alternative therapy technique that has its roots in Eastern Medicine and goes back thousands of years. Likened to acupuncture, it deals with one's emotions although no needles are used. Energy Psychology has been proven effective in recent scientific studies.
Consider Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP, if other solutions fail. It was created at the University of California in the early 1970s and deals with how we create what's real for us. It gets at the cause of our phobia, then reprograms it to reduce our fears. In most cases, NLP has been both very effective and rapid in its ability to cure a fear of thunder, making the subject feel that he is in control of his emotions.