How to Identify Signs of a Panic Disorder
Pay attention to how your body reacts to surprise or stress. In most individuals, a panic attack or anxiety attack will cause a racing or pounding heartbeat, or the sensation that the heart is skipping beats. Sometimes, a pounding heart may cause some chest pain and even shortness of breath.
Assess other ways in which your body may be reacting to a stressful or emotional situation. Do you suddenly feel like you have a literal "lump in the throat"? Do you feel like you can't get enough air? These are symtpoms of a panic attack or anxiety disorder.
Watch for signs of weakness, dizziness or a sensation of being light-headed. These sensations are often accompanied by profuse sweating and feeling like your legs won't hold you up.
Look at your hands. Are you trembling? Sometimes, we all shake when we're nervous or scared, but an anxiety attack can make our hands shake almost uncontrollably. This trembling may also be accompanied by a tingling sensation in the hands or fingers. Some individuals feel a flush or sensation of chills course through his body during a panic attack, though to varying degrees.
Pay attention to your emotions and feelings at any time of stress or worry. Are you ready to run at the slightest sound? Do you sense fear or impending doom or an overwhelming sense of dread? Such fears only provoke more fears and often lead individuals to feel like they're going crazy. If you have such symptoms, schedule a visit with your physician to discuss possible causes and potential treatments.