How to Overcome Public Restroom Embarrassment
Busy yourself in the bathroom until others leave and you're alone. Use any stalling techniques you can think of during the wait. Wash your hands, comb your hair, check makeup or remove and re-insert your earrings. You can also adjust your clothing or rummage through a wallet or purse as though you're searching for something.
Use a private stall rather than a urinal. Even if you only need to urinate, the privacy of the enclosure can help you overcome embarrassment.
Carry an Mp3 player or iPod when out in public. The music can drown out the sounds of others in the room and make you more comfortable.
Close your eyes and place your fingers in your ears to block out the stimuli of others while using the bathroom. This technique adds to feelings of privacy.
Check for toilet paper before sitting down to business. This can easily save you the embarrassment of asking a total stranger for help.
Fake confidence even if you don't feel it. Whether you're at the urinal or washing your hands while elbow to elbow with another person, if you stand up straight and portray self assurance, no one will be the wiser to your discomfort.