How to Increase Your Stamina And Speed Endurance In Sports
Things You'll Need
- Intense Training
- Dedication
You have to practice on your running technique first and foremost. This is important because teaching yourself how to run will help you run more efficiently which will help conserve your stamina for late in the game. You need to work on driving off the balls of your feet, staying relaxed when you run, and having a high knee lift. You also need to pump your elbows straight back behind you and front of you, not across your body.
Perform high intensity training as if you are actually playing in a game. You should train how you would play. The best exercises to accomplish this are exercises like plyometrics, and resisted agility drills. Have a trainer or one of your teammates resist you manually or with training bands while you perform various agility drills related to your sport. You can learn more about these exercises under the resources column at
Another important training method you have to incorporate is running longer distances at an all out effort. Go to a track and practice sprinting 400 and 500 meter dashes as fast as you can. Work on your technique and maintaining good running form. This will boost your speed endurance tremendously. It will also challenge mentally as you have to will yourself to run these distances at such a fast pace.
Constantly get stronger in the weight room. You will do much better on your playing field if you are strong and explosive. This is because your muscles will be more resilient against fatigue and hold up longer in sports. You need to add variation in your training program to really give your muscles a great workout. You should train very heavy with a lot of weight and a 1-5 rep range and you should also do light weight for a whole lot of reps. This will develop stamina and strength as well as muscle endurance.
Make sure you are performing sports related movements on a daily basis at full speed. You need to practice the movements required for your position. This will make you more efficient at what you do and increase your stamina. When it becomes second nature to you, you can take the mental element out of what you have to do on your playing field and just go out there and play. You will be less mentally tired thus preserving your stamina.
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