How to Control What You Dream about and Have Lucid Dreams
Things You'll Need
- Desire to learn
- A good night's rest each night
Try to get a good night's rest every night. Most professionals recommend that you sleep at least 8 hours per night. Since a dream cycle lasts for about 90 minutes, you should be able to dream about 5 separate dreams per night. Make sure that the sleep you get is uninterrupted. Turn of all lights and music to avoid disrupting your dream and sleep cycles.
Before you practice lucid dreaming, attempt to remember your dreams. Try to remember at least one or two dreams you had the night before upon waking up from a night's sleep. Try to remember at least one key element of the dream - whether it was what the dream was about, who was in the dream, or the setting. Practice this a few nights in a row. If it helps, write down the dreams in a notebook that you keep next to your bed. Once you have mastered this technique it will be easier to control your dreams.
Before falling asleep, eliminate all distractions such as light or sound. Stretch your back for a minute before going to sleep. Wear comfortable, loose clothing or nothing at all, as tight clothing can cause discomfort and wake you up during the night. Make sure your bedroom is a comfortable temperature.
As you are laying in bed, think about what you want to dream about. Clothes your eyes and relax. Let thoughts of what you want to dream about fill your head and your mind. Use your imagination to your advantage and visualize your future dream in your head. Do not over think, as this could prevent you from falling asleep. Just relax and let your images and scenario start to take place inside your mind. As you fall asleep, your thoughts will become your dreams. If you realize that you are dreaming while a dream is taking place, you can control what happens in the dream. This is especially effective if you have a nightmare, because you can either turn the nightmare into a good dream by solving a problem or by waking yourself up and pulling yourself out of the dream.
The next morning, use the same tactics as mentioned in previous steps to try to remember what you dreamed about. Write in your notebook if any of your dreams were what you wanted to dream about and if you were able to control your dreams.