How to Act More Confident
Do things by yourself. Treat yourself to a nice dinner and a movie. You don't need someone else to have a good time. Spending time alone with yourself will empower you and make you feel more confident. It will also allow you to have time with yourself to evaluate your life and put things in perspective. Independence spews confidents and is often a very attractive quality in a person.
Wear Red.... or black... or blue... or whatever color makes you feel sexy. Show off your curves with clothes that compliment your figure. Going out, or even just into work, feeling like you look great will dramatically increase your confidence and actually improve productivity. No one likes to talk to anyone when they feel like a shlump!
Exercise! Exercise releases endorphins in your brain that make you feel better and in turn, more confident. Also, showing off your fit bod will definitely make you act more confidence!
Do something you're good at. If you're an artist, set aside time to paint. If you are athletic, set time aside to play sports. Do things that you are good at and make yourself proud! Try to accomplish your goals in that area of your life. Feeling accomplished and succeeding in things that you are good at will help you boost self confidence!