How to Use Positive Affirmations to Get What You Want
Has there ever been something that you really wanted in life but was not sure of what to do to get you there? You are not alone. Everyone has wants and dreams in their lives. However, taking the steps to get these dreams is what this is all about. You have probably heard about the book "The Secret". It has been widely publicized that this book gives you the secret to get what you want in life. Well the real secret to the book is to use positive affirmations. Positive affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself often to change the way that you think about things and to naturally draw what you want to you. It is really as simple as this. So this is the basic way to use positive affirmations to get what you want in life.Instructions
Purchase a notebook of some type to keep track of your goals and your positive affirmations that you will use to get what you want. It is always good to have a notebook to keep track of your progress and keep all of your ideas with you as you go through your day. It can be anything from a simple spiral notebook to a fancy leather bound journal.
Create two positive statements about the goals that you want to achieve. These positive affirmations should be written like you have already achieved the goal that you have set for yourself. For example, I am making $75 k a year.
Tape a post it with these positive affirmations to get what you want on your bathroom mirror. This is the best place to make sure that your goals and where you want to be in your life is the first thing that you think about each day. This will get you on the right track each day.
Write your positive affirmations in your notebook 25 times a day to make them more of a reality in your mind. The more often that you repeat these sentences, the more power that they will have in your life.
Repeat this process as often as you need to get anything that you can dream about.
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