How to Set and Keep Goals
Step 1) Setting and keeping goals is essential if you are going to grow in character. The first step in setting and keeping goals is being aware of what has been holding you back from achieving you goals. Do you have an alochol problem? Drug problem? Poor Self Esteem? Lazy? You need to confront your problems in order for you to grow in character.
Step 2) The second step in setting and keeping goals is being very specific about the goals you want to keep. Do you want to make $100,000 this year?--Write it down. Do you want to stop drinking alcohol and doing drugs?--Write it down. Do you want to stop being lazy?--Write it down. Write down all your specific goals.
Step 3) Make a road map or plan on how you want to achieve your goals.
Step 4) Stay motivated. Regardless of what happens never lose sight of your goals. If you keep your eyes on the prize, you will constantly be striving for the goals; if you don't constantly keep your eyes on the prize, you'll settle for mediocrity.
Step 5) I hope this has been a helpful article on how to set and keep goals. Good luck!