How to Make and Use a Vision Board to Get What You Want In Life

Vision boards are a great way to make and achieve goals that you wish to obtain in the future. The idea for a vision board comes from the infamous book "The Secret" by Rhonda Bryne that states if you create a visual stimulus to manifest things you want in your head, you will be able to better attain them. A vision board is easy to make and when concentrated on (visualized) often, can bring you the dreams and desires you want for your life. Here are some steps for making and using a vision board to get what you want out of life. And be sure to think openmindedly about the things you want, ask to receive them, and truly believe they can come to you...all while looking at your vision board daily.


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      Purchase a cork board and push pins to hang on your wall. The cork board will be the main basis of your vision board and should be big enough to put all your goals, dreams, and desires upon. It needn't be larger than about 12" x 12", but if you have a lot of hopes and dreams, you may want to create a bigger vision board. Mount the vision board on your wall in a place you will look at often whether it be the living room, a bedroom, or the bathroom. Just make sure that wherever you place your vision board, you will have easy access to view it and stand in front of it for a few minutes each day or more.

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      After hanging your cork board (vision board), find pictures of the things you desire in life. If you wish to go back to school, cut out a picture of a college. If you desire more money, cut out pictures of cash or better yet, pin up real cash on your vision board. Be certain that whatever it is you desire and dream of for your life, you are placing pictures on your vision board that are specific. For example, if you wish to have a new car, put an exact picture of the car you want on your vision board...not just any picture. Put a picture up of everything you desire using push pins. Find pictures in magazines, photo albums, or on the Internet. Try not to overwhelm the board, however. Just hang about 4 or 5 things you want in life for now. You can always take them down when you receive them and put up new pictures of new goals later.

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      Cut out words that describe your wants and desires and place them on your vision board. Sometimes words are very appealing to the mind and help us to remember why we want the things we do. If family is important to you, put up the word 'family' on your vision board. If you want a closer relationship with your partner, put his or her name up on the vision board. Use words that specifically describe your desires to bring you closer to want you want. You can also use these words as descriptions for your vision board pictures. Cut out and place words above your pictures to explain what they are. This can help to coerce your mind into truly believing you will receive these things. You can find words to cut out in magazine, newspapers, or the Internet.

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      Stand in front of your vision board at least twice a day in silence. Do this morning and night if you can. Stare at the pictures and words you have on the vision board and think of what they mean to you. Ask for the things you want in the pictures and believe that you are going to receive these things. Close your eyes and feel how it would be to have these things. Truly know that the things you desire in the pictures and words are going to come to you. Let your whole body feel how excited you'll be when your goals are achieved. For example, when you get that new car you want, think of how amazing it will feel to drive it. Put your hands on the wheel, your foot on the gas, and go in your visions. What color is it? How does the car sound? Do this type of envisioning with every picture and word you have on your vision board. This is the most effective way to use your vision board. Even if this is tough for you to do, fake your mind...believing in something that hasn't happened is not always easy, but doing so can bring great rewards.

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