How to Keep Your Mind Sharp And Positive
Things You'll Need
- mental discipline and an open mind.
In this article, you're going to learn how to keep your mind sharp and free of negative energy by learning the importance of thoughts, and how to control them better. Your habitual thinking effects how you think on a regular basis, and I'm going to show how to change your habitual thinking so you can keep your mind working in tip top condition.
First, of all you need to recognize the power of your thoughts and control what thoughts you let into your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is your seat of habit. Whatever you think about constantly gets imprinted in your subconscious mind and starts to become a habit. This is a good thing if the habit is good. And of course, it's a bad thing, if the habit is bad. So the first thing you need to do is monitor what type of thoughts you let into your subconscious mind on a regular basis. I can go on and on about how powerful your subconscious mind is, but I'm only going to share the basics in this article, but I do recommend further reading on the subconscious mind. You'll learn a lot.
Next, you'll want to program your subconscious mind with good thoughts. The way that you do this is by simply thinking the right thoughts mixed with some strong positive emotion behind them, which would be defined as belief. You have to believe what you're thinking is true for this method to work. Your subconscious mind reacts or operates on thoughts that have strong positive emotion attached to them ,or what we would usually call, "Belief." The thoughts you believe are true get shuttled down into the subconscious mind, and it makes them stronger, making them habit. So it's very important that you put thoughts that you want, in your subconscious mind.
If you want to think smarter or sharper, send those types of thoughts into your subconscious mind with some strong belief behind them ,and your subconscious mind will go to work for you, like a biological computer, to make those thoughts a reality. If you want proof of this, just think about all the thoughts that you've thought about habitually in your lifetime, and you'll find that they pretty much match your personality, since your subconscious mind controls your personality. You're not the same person you were when you were a child or a teenager. Why? Because you started "thinking" differently. You started "believing" different things. Is it starting to make sense? I hope so because my advice will only help you, if it makes sense to you. My instructions will simply help you to channel this technique you've already been using your entire life. I'm just making you aware of it. Whether you consciously do it, or not, it's going to get done. It's called "Mental conditioning."
Third, set aside some time each day to meditate on what thoughts you want to send into your subconscious mind. Start out doing it for about 20 minutes a day, and I'll guarantee you that by the end your session, you'll feel rejuvenated. Like a certain power has taken over your mind and made you perceive things differently. That's your subconscious mind going to work for you.
Finally, read all the articles you can on the subconscious mind. Learn everything you can about it. It will be the most important lesson you'll ever learn. A lot of emotional problems that people have is deeply rooted in the subconscious mind because it also controls your emotions, bodily functions, and things of that nature. So you should definitely take whatever actions necessary to learn more about how your subconscious mind and how it works. I've explained the basics to you in this article, but you can always learn more, since learning , in and of itself, is a process.