How to Make Subliminal Messages for Success
Write down positive things you want to manifest in your life. Perhaps you want to lose weight, quit smoking or make more money. When you're done with the list, start editing the statements for clarity. Be succinct. Do not use any negative sentences like I do not want to be overweight. Instead, write statements like I am thin, and I crave healthy food. I have the power to be financially successful.
After writing down the positive statements, do a Google search for software to create CDs with subliminal messages. You can also check out for free software to make subliminal messages. The link is in the resource section below.
Use software for making videos with subliminal messages. Choose positive images that reflect the things you want to accomplish. Add pleasant music to your subliminal images. There is a lot of software on the Internet you can buy to create positive subliminal messages.
Surround yourself with subliminal messages for success. Write notes and stick them around your house in places where you are most likely to spend time. For example, put notes in your bathroom and bedroom. Put notes in your car. Place subliminal messages on everyday things like your toothbrush, brush, hairdryer, computer screen and furniture.
Surround yourself with positive images. Hang pictures on your walls of the things you want to manifest in your life. Your mind will subconsciously pick up on these images. Hanging positive and affirming pictures around your home is an excellent way to make subliminal messages for success.
Use visualization techniques to augment your subliminal messages for success. For example if you want to have more confidence, close your eyes and imagine yourself confident. If you want to lose weight, imagine yourself thin and active. Visualize your checking and savings account increasing with money.
Make sure to use subliminal messages every day. It time, you'll find that your subliminal messages are working to bring you success.