How to tell if your child has an Sensory Processing Disorder

Is your child oversensitive,clumsy,picky,
fidgety,and last but not least out-of-sync? If yes, they may have an Sensory processing disorder (SPD).
It is a common problem that affects how children move, the way they think and how they relate to others. SPD seems to be misunderstood.

Things You'll Need

  • Sensory Discrimination problems
  • Sensory-based motor problems
  • Associated regulatory and
  • behavior problems
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      Sensory Discrimination problems-
      They can't tell the difference between hot and cold. They may be klutzy,
      and also have poor body awareness.

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      Sensory-based motor problems-
      The child has problems with hand,foot, or eye on the opposite side of the body. Such as can't hold a paper and cut it at the same time.Also skipping may be hard for them.

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      Associated Regulatory and Behavior problems-
      The child with this problem may not have SPD,but may have another kind of disability such as (ADHD)Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity disorder or
      it could also just be an (LD) Learning disability.These kinds of disorder seem to some degree mimick each other there for would need to be looked at farther by a trained Doctor.

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