How to Give Yourself the Proper Self Discipline
Go against your daily routine. Say you have a normal routine you do. Go a week doing exactly the opposite of your normal routine. Typical tv shows, whatever it is, avoid doing. If there's a tv show you have to always watch, and watch it, that's not giving yourself discipline. This is an exercise you have to establish if you are going to give yourself proper discipline. Giving yourself proper discipline is hard to do. You need to develop mental toughness.
Give yourself a list of goals. Have goals and make rules to yourself on what needs done to achieve them. Sometimes this will require work when you really do not want to do it. Just for example, I honestly do not feel like writing today. But I made a rule with myself that I had to write today. So I'm writing this article. You can't always do what you want, but you need to do things that need done sometimes.
Try things that are new. You need to get out of your own comfort zone. Doing things that are always the same, is not a great way to have proper discipline. When you can experience new things, you can give yourself more discipline. Having routines is good, but not when it gets to the point that's all you can do. You have to have the ability and strong minded will to break your routine, or habits as well.