How to Change a Mindset
To change a mindset we have to change habits sometimes long time ones. Check out this definition of mindset: a habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations.
This means a right mindset could potentially change every decision we make for the better. On the other hand, a wrong mindset can change it for worse. So it seems, a mindset is pretty important if it has this kind of power over our lives.
Focus on the positive and let the negative slide. This is easier said than done, but doable. The alternative is focusing on the negative. After all, you can only focus on one at a time, so there's a choice. Choose the positive every time and see how much better the situation turns out.
Unlearn the negativity in your life. If you learned it, which you did, then you can unlearn it. Somewhere in the past negativity was programmed into your mind. The only way to have a positive change in mindset is to kick the negative one out!
Be aware of what you say. The words that come out of your mouth go into your ears. If you're being critical of yourself and or others this feeds the cycle of negativity. It can only bring you and others around you down. Speak words of encouragement and lift yourself up to a higher level of performance and productivity. As a result, you will experience success instead of failure.
Face fears head on and don't look back. It's when you look back that the old patterns start to look good, because they're what you know. If you want to change a mindset for the better then you can't go back. If you go back it will change too, but for the worse. When you allow a negative mindset to rule it always gets worse never better. There's nothing right about wrong!
Quit hanging out with naysayers let them go right now. If not, they will be happy to help you wallow in self pity and negativity. They don't want a change in mindset and they don't want you to have one either. The old saying misery loves company is still as true today as it ever was.
Believe in yourself and know that life is what you make it. You really do hold the winning hand, but you have to play your cards right.