How to Stay Positive in a World of Negativity
Things You'll Need
- An open mind
- Awareness of Self
- Awareness of Others
- Faith in a higher power
The first thing to do is to take inventory of your situation in life, looking at both the good and the bad. If necessary, write down your blessings and burdens in two different columns. The majority of the time, your blessings will far outweigh your burdens.
The next thing you need to do is step outside of yourself, and reach out to those around you. By focusing your time and energy on others, you will see that you are a worthwhile person who is made happy by making others feel the same. At the same time, you will discover that everyone is faced with difficulties, and the best way to deal with your own is to help others.
The last and most important step is to have faith in a Higher Power. Your life has a purpose and has meaning. You are not meant to dwell in the depths of despair. Instead, you are to seek out your purpose and fulfill your meaning. This can only be done by actively searching your soul, being your own spiritual advocate, and personally fulfilling the needs you are missing.