How to Improve Self Discipline
To learn or gain more self discipline we first need to know we need it. Many times people don't pursue more self discipline until they're in trouble. For example, the person who is a workaholic thrives on a busy schedule, that is, until they have a heart attack. Then they see the need to learn self discipline and change their lifestyle. As a result, they take action and make it happen.
Set doable goals. To reach a goal it needs to be realistic, otherwise it can be a step back instead of forward. If the goal is set too high then you will fail and think its proof of the fact that you can't do it. Whereas, if there would have been several small goals that led to the larger one you would have kept going forward.
Change your habits. It's the bad habits that get in the way of self discipline. A person who wants to lose weight can't keep the bad habit of getting in the fridge every night at 10:00 to eat cookies and milk. This bad habit has to go! How? Set a doable goal of not doing it for 2 nights, then 3, then 4 and so forth.
Stop temptation in its tracks, for instance, the person who eats cookies and milk at night if they don't buy the cookies they won't be able to eat them. Another example is a person with issues of alcohol abuse, don't go where it is, don't buy it and don't hang with friends who drink or get high.
Do something you know you should do daily, but don't. Self discipline is all about doing what you don't want to do, but need to do. Things that will give you a better quality of life are worth pursuing. This could be exercise, eat healthier, get more sleep, read, time with family and so forth.
Plan the day and activities. If you're not used to planning then start simple. Write down five things that you want to accomplish the night before for the next day. Then the next day mark them off as you do them this is basic self discipline. It's also forming new good habits and tracking progress.
Have a week that you don't procrastinate anything. Choose things you would usually put off like washing dishes, laundry, chores etc. It's best to do them right away, don't give yourself time to think or do something else.
Finally, reward yourself for self discipline accomplishments. However, be careful here or your hard earned self discipline will be for naught. Choose healthy rewards like a good book, massage, movies, a ball game, crafts or anything that is of interest and improves quality of life.