How to Deal With Feeling Alone
Identify Why You Are Feeling Alone and Address that Specifically
Are you feeling alone because of relationship problems? Because you're single? Because your children have grown up and left home? Depending on where you are in life, feelings of being alone can come from many different sources. Identify why you're feeling alone so you can address it specifically.
Be Proactive in Addressing Your Specific Needs
Do you want to make close friends that you can talk to from time to time? Join a gym class or an adult education class and go to it regularly. Talk to the people in your class and build connections. Go to and and sign up with a group or for activities that fit your interests. Sign up for volunteer events with the same organization regularly. Do you have family and relationship issues you need to address to gain that connection back? Sign up for family or relationship counseling. Are you a single? Sign up for activities for singles and get out there. Take a class on relationship and communication skills.
Find Your Own Inner Joy
Once you have signed up for activities that will move you closer to finding the connections, don't wait. Work on finding your own joy. Take the time to work on your own hobbies. Go watch that movie you've been meaning to watch or work on that project you've been putting off forever. Take a dance class. Learn a language or how to play an instrument. Do whatever it takes to value yourself and your own interests.
Step Outside of Yourself
When you're feeling alone, it is normal to spend a lot of time dwelling on all the things that are wrong with your life. Take a small risk and step outside yourself. Look around and see where other people could use your help. Take that friend who's having her own problems out to lunch. Volunteer at a school. Go teach computer skills at a senior center. Sign up to be a hospital volunteer. Join in on a volunteer organization where your expertise will be of value. The moment you step out of your own life and join in with the rest of the world you'll start to find the connections that you need.