How to Act Confident Today
Walk with your head high. There is nothing that screams lack of self confidence more than looking down when you walk. If you are afraid you might trip look way head to see what is in your path.
Make eye contact. When you are in a conversation look the person square in the eyes. If you need to practice, look in the mirror and pretend your in a conversation. Do this in the bathroom where no one can see you:-)
Speak as if you want the world to know what you are saying. This doesn't mean shout or speak loudly it means speak clearly. Do not talk under your breath.
Body language is very important. Stand up with your back straight and you will not only look more confident but you will look slimmer also.
Act the part: Until you are as confident as you want to be fake it until you make it. The more you act it the more you will make it so. Remember, chances are others are faking it too so don't worry about others finding out your little secret.
Say an affirmation everyday that makes you feel better about yourself. The older I get the more I can see how insecure others are. These are the same people that are viewed as being so confident. So take it easy and just be you.