How do you demonstrate independence and initiative at school work?

1. Be Responsible:

- Complete assignments without prompting.

- Keep track of deadlines and materials needed.

- Monitor progress and seek help if needed.

2. Be Engaged:

- Actively participate in class discussions.

- Offer ideas and opinions.

- Ask questions to clarify or understand better.

3. Be Organized:

- Keep a neat and well-organized workspace.

- Use tools like planners or to-do lists.

- Prioritize tasks and manage time effectively.

4. Be Resourceful:

- Seek out additional resources for learning, such as books, articles, or online courses.

- Explore different methods to complete projects or assignments.

5. Be Creative:

- Approach assignments with creativity and uniqueness.

- Explore alternative solutions or ideas.

6. Take Leadership:

- Volunteer for group projects or leadership roles in class.

- Proactively contribute ideas and solutions.

7. Demonstrate Flexibility:

- Adapt to changes in schedules or plans.

- Be willing to try new things and adjust approaches as needed.

8. Be Resilient:

- Handle setbacks and challenges positively.

- Persist in the face of obstacles.

9. Ask Questions:

- Clarify instructions, concepts, or expectations, if needed.

10. Contribute:

- Share knowledge, insights, or resources with classmates.

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