What does significant mean?
1. Important: Something that is significant is considered important or has great value or meaning.
- Example: The discovery of the cure for a disease was a significant scientific breakthrough.
2. Meaningful: Significant can also mean having a specific meaning or relevance.
- Example: The symbols in the painting held significant religious meaning.
3. Considerable: When something is described as significant, it may indicate a substantial amount or degree.
- Example: There has been a significant increase in the cost of living in recent years.
4. Statistically Significant: In statistics, "significant" is used to describe a result or finding that is unlikely to have occurred by chance alone and is considered statistically meaningful.
- Example: The study found a statistically significant correlation between smoking and lung cancer.
5. Noteworthy: Something significant can also refer to something that is worth noticing or paying attention to.
- Example: The player scored a significant goal that changed the course of the match.
6. Influential: Significant can be used to describe someone or something that has a substantial impact or influence.
- Example: The leader's speech had a significant influence on the nation's policies.
7. Indicative: Significant can be used to indicate or suggest something more profound.
- Example: The significant damage to the building indicated the intensity of the storm.