How to Be an Individual and Love Yourself
Teach yourself not to care what others think. This is the hardest part. You need to love yourself before anyone else can. Forcing yourself to fit in or be like others will not make you happy, and if you're not happy, no one will ever see you for the wonderful person that you really are.
Dress in a way that makes you happy. Don't even think about what's "in", what the models are wearing, or name brands. Wear what you like, and what makes you feel good. If you're happy as a clam in no-name jeans and a tank top, wear it. If you like to dress up, do it. If you like wearing orange, green and blue in the same outfit, go for it. Develop your own personal style, and don't worry what others think of it.
Do what makes you happy. Don't get the job your parent or significant other wants you to have, get the one YOU want. Don't take piano lessons if you'd rather work on cars. Ignore gender "rules", because there really are none. Chicks can be gear heads, and guys can sew. If you like doing it, do it!
Pick your friends. Don't hang out with people if all they do is try to change you. REAL friends will love you for who you are, not try to turn you into someone else. If the people you call friends insult you, degrade you, or look down on you, they're not really friends. Find people who like who you are, as you are.
Don't hide yourself. It can be hard to be true to yourself, but it's essential if you ever want a happy life. If you want a different religion than your family, If you're into different music and activities, if you're gay, whatever it is, you need to be honest with yourself about it, and share it with those you trust, and work toward being open about it.
Love your body. Just because the media says you need to look like a celebrity, doesn't mean you actually have to. It certainly doesn't mean you're not handsome or beautiful just as you are. If you can learn to love how you look, and all your unique attributes, you will become attractive in the eyes of others. A large part of attractiveness is attitude. If you carry yourself with pride and love yourself, you will attract better people into your life. (Just be careful not to take it to the extreme of becoming conceited.)
Enjoy your life. Even when times are tough and things seem bleak, take some time every day to do or at least think about something that makes you feel good. Share the feeling with friends and family if you can, since joy shared is doubled. If not, at least take time to be thankful for what you have, and think about things that make you feel happy.