How to Find True Happiness
True happiness is so different from any other feeling that it's unmistakable when experienced. Happiness is so subjective; it seems to be different for every person. Or is it?
If you want to be truly happy, make use of the tips I'm going to share with you here and now. I'm going to offer you the benefit of my experience in a very straightforward and frank manner; take it for what it's worth. No one ever offered me such an awesome gift. Perhaps you can avoid all the pain you should never have to experience. Find that elusive thing called happiness!
The very first step is to ask God to guide you in this process. Without God and the salvation of Jesus Christ, there can be no real peace or happiness. Humble yourself and pray for Divine guidance through this process, and you will find what you seek.
If you don't have Christ in your heart, read the Bible, specifically the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. This part of the Bible is known as The Gospel. This is where you'll learn of the miracles Jesus performed for non-believers. It'll keep you interested.
Knowledge of who you are is imperative. Self awareness. That's number two. Before you can even consider learning how to find true happiness, love, or becoming successful in any way - you must feel love for the person you are.
You can't love yourself if you don't know yourself. Not only as you perceive yourself but also as others perceive you. Talk to a person or persons whose opinions you respect most. That might be a friend, a parent, a sibling or anyone else. It can be one person or any number of people. It can be anyone, as long as they truly know you. Ask them to describe you to you. Ask them to speak of you in the third person; as though you are invisible and they're actually talking to themselves. Ask them to be totally frank, to point out what they like most about you. What do they like least? Why do they enjoy your company? Why do they sometimes want to avoid you? What, given the opportunity, might they change about you and why?
You'll need a lot of inner strength for this exercise. If you don't have that, don't even think about trying this; you're too immature. This can be an eye opening experience, but it's priceless in its value.
After you ask, shut up and listen; don't get defensive. Appreciate the person or people who care enough to be truthful. Usually those who are closest to us can see inside us better than we can see inside ourselves. Listen carefully and begin to learn who you are, not who you think you are.
Here's where faith comes in. Try the prayer called the "Serenity Prayer". Pray for the serenity to accept the things you cannot change, the courage to change the things you cannot accept and the wisdom to know the difference. This is a prayer made famous by Alcoholics Anonymous. It's helped countless people to improve the person within. Not only alcoholics, but people from every walk of life have prayed this simple yet powerful prayer - and later enjoyed the result of true happiness.
Admit your weaknesses. No one is perfect. But we can improve. You want to improve as a person, but you aren't sure how. Happiness, love and success are within your grasp; you're certain of that. Humble yourself. Admit that you need help.
Make a list of the things you were told that are undesirable or weak traits. Make another list of your strengths. Then begin to make a conscious effort to affect those changes needed, to make those weaknesses disappear - perhaps to even become strengths instead. Work on that "weakness" list until you truly believe each and every item has been addressed to the point that it can be either a non-issue or a "positive".
When a weakness or negative has been addressed sufficiently scratch off that item from the negative/weakness list. Write it down as a done deal; Mission accomplished. Take some satisfaction in the knowledge that you've taken a very positive and important step.
Thank your Higher Power for helping you. You know you couldn't have handled this alone. Be sure to also sincerely thank the person or persons who assisted you by being so honest when you asked them to.
Now you're beginning to feel the love you must have for yourself in order to feel truly alive and happy :-).
Practice what you've learned. Become that new, improved version of you.
Try to keep a positive outlook no matter the external world; your inner world has so much happiness now. Your life is on the upswing. Why wouldn't you be happy? You truly like - no - you love yourself now, don't you?
After a few months, go back and ask that friend or relative who helped you realize your weaknesses to help you with a re-evaluation. If you've been honest with yourself and have done the previous steps exactly as outlined, you'll be amazed at what you hear.
Of course, you'll never be perfect, but your improvement will be dramatic. You'll find other people drawn to you. You'll realize you're much more popular. Others will compliment you. They'll ask you what happened. Just smile and be happy they care enough to notice.
Congratulations; You've become the real you. When you reach this point, anything is possible. You might find that successful career opportunity which always seemed to elude you. Or you may find something even more fulfilling than you ever imagined was possible. You may find that soul mate you always longed to meet.
The new you - you've become successful and lovable because you've learned to love the person you are. You only had to discover that person, and you have done that. For the first time in your life, you've become successful. Now you can say that you have learned how to find true happiness.