How to Be Less Sensitive
An important part of being less sensitive is surrounding yourself with great friends and family. Friends and family will pick you up when you're down, and will help you feel less sensitive because they will back you up and stand by you, no matter what. Sensitivity from a bad situation can be counteracted with a conversation with a good friend.
A good way to be less sensitive is to try to stay out of sensitive situations. Of course, you can't do this at all times, but if you know a person who tends to make you feel sensitive, it may be best to keep your distance.
Keeping your distance doesn't always work, such as at work, but when your sensitivity occurs with a person or in a situation that you can avoid, why not stay away?
Commit yourself to being less sensitive. It may sound silly, but sensitivity is a mental state, and you can create a new mental state - resistance to sensitivity. By believing that you are less sensitive, you will become less sensitive. Tell yourself daily that you are a great, successful person, and by creating that new mental state, you'll feel more confident each day.
When you're feeling sensitive, force yourself to think about something else. This isn't always easy, but you can train your brain to change the subject of your internal dialogue. When you're feeling sensitive, consciously switch your thoughts over to a more positive topic.
For example, when you are feeling upset and sensitive, move your brain to a topic such as your favorite book. Pretty soon you'll be lost in the world of your favorite book, movie, or other thought.
As a sensitive person, you probably take things personally. Rationally, you may know that whatever happened wasn't a personal insult, but your brain takes it in that way. So, you'll need to think through each sensitivity inducing situation rationally. Ask yourself: Does this person act this way towards everyone? If so, do not feel personally insulted. Also ask yourself: If I acted this way towards someone, how would I be feeling? You will likely come up with the conclusion that the person is acting strangely towards you due to a personal issue, and you are not the cause of the problem.
Build self confidence. It's not easy to build self esteem, but once you do, you'll be able to let things that once made you sensitive roll off of your shoulders. Confidence will allow you to adopt a "Whatever, you're welcome to your own opinion" attitude.
Even if you don't believe in your new confident attitude at first, with time, it will come to you, and you'll be less sensitive and more confident.
Exercise more. Exercise will make you feel happier, more awake and more alert. These feelings will help you overcome sensitivity that comes your way. You are helping your ability to be less sensitive by giving yourself different, positive emotions to focus on.